Colorado Mammoth
Some notes about this game - January 16, 2010
- Edmonton Rush vs Colorado Mammoth. Mammoth lost 14 - 13 – it was tough to figure out the penalties.
- The Wild Bunch dancers entertained the crowd. Turns out both the current and former Miss Colorado were at one point a part of The Wild Bunch
- There was a hot tub with young, skinny, pretty girls in bikinis in it the whole game (which I didn't quite get - I'd imagine their skin looked like prunes after being in the water all that time)
- Mammoth fans were louder than the Avalanche fans
- The announcer did a decent job at motivating the crowd but you couldn't understand but a word or two he was saying. A muffled sound system.

Some observations about the lacrosse uniform
- A helmet with a 'caged' face
- The jersey (not sure about padding beneath - though the goalie certainly had tons)
- Black shorts
- Gloves
- The stick
- No apparent rules for sneaker or sock color and length
You'll notice that in photos below.

Opening Ceremony
I'm not sure if they do this for every game or just this game; since it was this season's home opener. There were:- The teams
- Motorcycles
- Vintage cars
- The Wild Bunch
- The mascot
- Military and color guards for the National Anthem
Other notes about this game - January 16, 2010
It was opening night for the season
In the game of lacrosse, there are: 4 – 15 minute periods; 3 min break between 1st and 2nd and 3rd and 4th; 15 minute break between 2nd and 3rd
One of the Mammoth goals made the top ten pick list on Sports Center this evening
92% of the players on these two teams were from Canada. Imagine that?
They did sing both the Canadian National Anthem and the Star Spangled Banner.

The Face Off
The face off in lacrosse is different than in hockey. Notice, except for the two players actually taking the face off, the remainder of the team has to stay behind the white line.
I do remember, after the ball is dropped, the face off players seemed like they were almost wrestling and the other team members 'moved in' to try to get or capture the loose ball.

Short Handed Action Shot
Here's an action shot of the Mammoth (in red) in a short handed situation.
The nets, 'glass', and boards still remain from the hockey event. The goal net in lacrosse is much smaller than in hcckey.

The Double Headers
Here we are again with the lacrosse field in the background. Ann, Meg, Andrew
Colorado Mammoth
1/16/10 Avalanche Game
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