Day Three, March 5, 2006
After spending the night somewhere in PA, we were only a few hours from Johnstown. Game time was 3:00 pm in Johnstown.
Johnstown is located in a valley in Cambria County. There are no interstates that run through Johnstown so the trip there was travelled on local and state
highways. Deb provided us with information on local history and events.
We found the arena, stopped and got tickets then headed to a local bar, Scott's by Dam, before the game. Deb's sister, Adele met us for the game.
John made friends with a local, Nick, and they headed off to a beverage barn so he could get some cases of Yeungling. (A beer brewed only in the Pennsylvania area).
We met Tom E Hawk, the Chiefs' mascot at Scott's by Dam. He, later, came up to us during the game and gave us all autographed photos of him.
The Grrrowl won this game 3 - 2. The Grrrowl winning 2 of 3 games in this road trip. They later went to Trenton and won that game as well. Rick and Lynn were able to make the trip to Trenton, the rest of us could not make that game.
After the game, we headed back to Scott's by Dam and had some tacos and beer.
Then headed back to Greenville. We drove through the night and got back to Greenville around 6:30 am the following morning. We were some tired puppies.
Click on the next button below for a closing statement by John.
Cambria County War Memorial Arena, best known for the filming of the movie Slap Shot. It is bright, small (fans close to the action), and seats 3,880. As seen above, about 10 rows of seating around the entire rink.
Here's the outside of the arena. Photo copied from the Chief's web site.
Here's the family reunion. Adele and Deb at Scott's by Dam.
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